HTML5 New Elements

 HTML5 has many more HTML markup elements. These markup elements are grouped into content types for easy access and markup manipulations. 

Here is a list of new content types and elements used in HTML5


Flow content type elements used primarily in the main part of HTML page also known as body. Examples of flow elements are: form, h1, and small 


Heading content type elements belong to header section of the page. Examples of such elements are h1, h2, and hgroup 


Examples of embedded elements in HTML5 are audio, canvas, iframe and video. They are all designed for ease of integration of elements into HTML5 page. 


Interactive content type help user to interact with page elements such audio or video controls, buttons, and text boxes.


Set of elements used in the head section with examples such as script, style, and title 


  New elements and part of text and text markups, for example: mark, kbd, sub, and sup 


Set of elements defining sections in the document such as: article, aside, and title 

These elements can be modified with the help of CSS styles as well as used by themselves via APIs and native programming. 

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