The HTML5 blockquote Tag

The HTML5 <blockquote> tag is an element which identifies a section that is usually quoted from another source or document. The main purpose of the HTML5 <blockquote> is usually to indent the quoted text in the browser.

The HTML5 <blockquote> tag has attributes that can be modified. The attributes are as follows:






Sets the source of the citation tag

Here is an example of how the HTML5 <blockquote> tag is used:

<blockquote cite=""> 18 January 2012 -- Dr Margaret Chan was nominated today by the WHO's Executive Board for a second term as Director-General of the Organization. The nomination will be submitted for approval to the Sixty-fifth World Health Assembly, scheduled to meet in Geneva from 21–26 May 2012. If confirmed by the World Health Assembly, Dr Chan's new term will begin on 1 July 2012 and continue until 30 June 2017.</blockquote>

The HTML5 <blockquote> tag is supported in all major browsers such as , Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome, and Safari.

The HTML5 <blockquote> tag is also in harmony with the Global Attributes and the Event Attributes in HTML5.

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